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Clinical Experience & Internship

Foundations courses (EDFN 210, ECED 215, ELED 304) and Methods Block A and B, and Internship C and D courses require a placement in schools. Paul Gasior, Clinical Practice Coordinator, will provide you with a school placement.  You must complete an online placement request for each semester that you are enrolled in a foundations, methods or internship course.  Field requests are completed the semester before the placement is needed.  Background affirmations are required at the beginning of each academic year and in the semester that you apply for internship.

student teaching in a classroom

Field Placement Request Forms

  •   Foundation placements require candidates to clock 30 hours of observation in schools.
  • :  A 1/2 day placement in a school is required for Block A and Block B methods courses.  Block C begins the first phase of the required 100-Day internship.  Block C placements required one full day in school.  Candidates in Block C should begin to track the field time requirement using the 100 Day Calendar.
  • Internship Placement:  Block D internship requires a minimum of 80 days to be completed in two placements in a Professional Development School.  Grade levels change from placement one to placement two.  Entry into internship occurs after required methods courses are completed.  Total number of credits, overall GPA and methods GPA requirements must be met and checked by your advisor and the Field Experience coordinator prior to a placement in an internship.  Use the links below to apply for internship.

Early Childhood Education Internship

Elementary Education Internship

Elementary and Early Childhood Education Internship

View Co-Teaching Videos that showcase SU interns and mentor teachers working together to deliver instruction.

Select Professional Development Schools to view videos highlighting each of our partner schools.