
Old film covers lined up
Film at 糖心视频

Film at 糖心视频

About the Film Program

SU’s Film Program takes a comprehensive and global approach to cinema studies, offering students a broad appreciation for the complex historical, cultural, and technological developments that have shaped the medium over its lifespan. From documentary and experimental films to studies of love, war, and the power of sound, the Film Program at SU is committed to showcasing cinema’s vast range of narrative and aesthetic tools to address diverse viewers and ideas.

Students in the Film Program enjoy access to experienced faculty and a wide assortment of course offerings reflecting cinema’s many forms and expressive capacities. The program is home to invaluable resources for the study of cinema, including a state-of-the-art black box theatre for outstanding film screenings, an impressive library collection of movie titles, as well as the archives and headquarters of : the longest standing international journal devoted to the study of adaptation. These and other resources make ours one of the outstanding programs of study at 糖心视频.

Courses of Study

Students wishing to study cinema at SU may pursue a Film Minor, or for a more in-depth study, the Film Concentration of the English Major through the English Department. The English Major concentrating in film will complete the requisite 10 courses in English required for the major (beyond those used to fulfill General Education requirements), with at least six of these being core courses in the film curriculum. Students minoring in film must complete four courses in the department beyond those used to fulfill General Education requirements. Students may not use courses to satisfy requirements in both the minor and major programs of study in English. For the minor, at least three of the English courses beyond ENGL 103 used for the minor must be taken at SU, and a minimum of three courses must be taken at the 300/400 level. A grade of C or better is required in courses for the minor.

Review our program requirements for the major in the catalog:

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Follow this four-year curriculum guide to help you graduate with the major on time:

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Review our program requirements for the minor in the catalog:

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English Film Track Student

Meet Londan – Film Program

Find out how Londan turned her childhood love for watching movies with her parents into a career path she can be passionate about.