
糖心视频 students on campus

Fulton Sustainability Committee

Changing Climate Changing World Future of Food Poster coverEnroll in IDIS 205 Changing Climate/Changing World: The Future of Food for 1 credit. Meets Mondays 7-8:30 p.m. in Conway 153. Led by Dr. Michael Lewis, Professor of Environmental Studies. This is an interdisciplinary course, which means this class has a different guest lecturer each week offering a unique perspective on how we might think about the future of agriculture and food, given our changing climate and changing world. This intellectual feast is for students interested in any college major and lets you meet faculty from several majors at SU. For registered students, the course is pass/fail to encourage academic exploration. Lectures also are free and open to the public.

View the schedule and enroll now!

Committee Charge and Activities

In 2008, Dean Pereboom convened the Fulton Sustainability Committee shortly after Janet Dudley-Eshbach signed the American College & University Presidents’ Climate Commitment (ACUPCC). This committee of Fulton faculty members addresses a range of sustainability issues relevant to the campus community

Our belief then, and now, is that the liberal arts make significant contributions to the understanding of sustainability as well as developing skills and knowledge required to achieve a sustainable future. The committee works to advance sustainability within the Fulton School and SU community more broadly by developing and supporting programs for academic and campus life. Our work also intersects with the broader communities we live in.

Since 2014, our primary project has been the development, coordination, and hosting of a public lecture series each Spring called “Changing Climate/Changing World,” also offered as a one-credit course, IDIS 205.  We have developed three rotating topics, each focused on a different aspect of sustainability: food, economic inequalities, and climate change.

Each Spring, the lecture series includes experts from across our campus and beyond who engage enrolled students and community members in discussions in their areas of expertise after a formal presentation.  Traditionally the series has been Monday evenings, shortly after the dinner hour. Speakers range from prominent guest speakers to essential local community activists.

We work together as a committee to design and schedule the series of lectures, obtain grants to support visiting lecturers, and coordinate with Publications to share the weekly events with the community.  One committee member takes on 'Instructor of Record” status for each iteration of the course and introduces each presenter over the semester.  Committee members also offer presentations in their areas of expertise and contribute to grading students' weekly work. 

As the University continues discussions about re-energizing General Education, members of the committee have worked with U-ASC (the Academic sub-committee of the University Sustainability Committee) to support sustainability across the curriculum. 

We invite interested members of the Fulton School to join our committee, and invite everyone to support the lecture series, and broaden the scope of our work as we negotiate both COVID-19 and discussions about General Education.

Read more about our work in the Fulton Exchange article “Fulton as a Cornerstone of Sustainability on Campus – Progress Big and Small” by Karl Maier, Psychology, and Shawn McEntee, Sociology.

This library guide lists a variety of .

Please contact us at FultonSustainability@salisbury.edu

Committee Members

  • Shawn McEntee, Sociology
  • Michael Lewis, Environmental Studies
  • Sarah Surak, Political Science
  • Karl Maier, Psychology
  • Ryan Sporer, Sociology
  • Lisa Garfield, Environmental Studies
  • William Wolff, Art
  • Chrys Egan, Associate Dean
  • Maarten Pereboom, Dean

Sustainability Suggestions

This suggestion box is for general or specific comments that you wish to make to members of the Fulton Sustainability Committee.

Guiding Question: Given the scale of the problem, how do we empower students to deal with climate change without overwhelming them?

Guiding Question: How might we support student and faculty awareness, understanding, and action related to climate change outside the classroom?

Guiding Question: What are your experiences with climate change in the classroom? Share your stories and questions!

Guiding Question: How might SU move forward in teaching students across disciplines about climate change? What are our options?

Guiding Question: What resources and support would be helpful moving forward?
Please send your sustainability suggestion to the committee at: fultonschool@salisbury.edu