
糖心视频 students on campus

Schedules & Syllabi


Subject/Course# Course Title
MATH 105 Liberal Arts Mathematics: The Mathematics of Games (Austin)
MATH 105 Liberal Arts Mathematics: Mathematics Applicable to Real Life Decision-Making (Barber)
MATH 105 Liberal Arts Mathematics: Mathematics of Voting (Bergner)
MATH 105 Liberal Arts Mathematics: Sustainability-Related Mathematics (Carmack)
MATH 105 Liberal Arts Mathematics: Statistics through Baseball (Halperin)
MATH 105 Liberal Arts Mathematics: Math in a Changing World (Hetzler)
MATH 105 Liberal Arts Mathematics: Moneymathics, where Money and MathematicsMeet (Holdai)
MATH 105 Liberal Arts Mathematics: Music and Mathematics (Ludwick)
MATH 105 Liberal Arts Mathematics: Math for the Environment (Manns)
MATH 130 Fundamental Concepts I
MATH 135 College Algebra
MATH 140

MATH-140-7W: College Algebra and Trigonometry

MATH-140: College Algebra and Trigonometry

MATH 150 Data and Probability Connections
MATH 155 Modern Statistics with Computer Analysis
MATH 160 Introduction to Applied Calculus
MATH 160 Introduction to Applied Calculus - Barber, Hetzler, Shannon
MATH 198 Calculus I for Biology and Medicine
MATH 201 Calculus I
MATH 202 Calculus II
MATH 210 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
MATH 214 Statistical Thinking Laboratory
MATH 215 Introduction to Financial Mathematics
MATH 216 Statistical Thinking
MATH 230 Fundamental Concepts II
MATH 300 Introduction to Abstract Mathematics
MATH 306 Linear Algebra
MATH 310 Calculus III
MATH 311 Differential Equations I
MATH 313 Survey Design and Sampling
MATH 314 Regression Analysis
MATH 316 Statistical Learning with Applications
MATH 380 Internship
MATH 385 Directed Study
MATH 390 Undergraduate Research Project
MATH 402 Theory of Numbers
MATH 406 Geometric Structures
MATH 411 Design and Analysis of Experiments
MATH 413 Mathematical Statistics I
MATH 414 Mathematical Statistics II
MATH 415 Actuarial and Financial Models
MATH 422 Advanced Differential Equations
MATH 430 Mathematical Connections for Secondary School Teachers
MATH 441 Abstract Algebra I
MATH 442 Abstract Algebra II
MATH 447 Cryptography
MATH 451 Analysis I
MATH 452 Analysis II
MATH 458 Complex Analysis
MATH 465 Mathematical Models and Applications
MATH 471 Numerical Methods
MATH 472 Numerical Linear Algebra
MATH 475 Introduction to Dynamics and Chaos
MATH 482 Computer Graphics
MATH 490 Selected Topics: Prediction Methods (Carmack)
MATH 490 Selected Topics: Introduction to Graph Theory (Halperin)
MATH 490 Selected Topics: Combinatorics (Shifler)
MATH 493 Advanced Topics in Statistics
MATH 495 Directed Consulting
MATH 502 Applied Statistics