ࡱ> "$!O bjbjUU 07׎e7׎e ``    ,5 gI___u$` " _uy!:8_uuZ^J70g' `:' '   4g' ` k:  1101 Camden Avenue  Ƶ, MD 21801 [Date] [Name] [Address] [Address] Dear [Name]: On behalf of Ƶ, it is with pleasure that I offer you the part-time, Contingent I position of [Job Title] effective [DATE]. Your 6-month contract bi-weekly rate for this position will be [$00.00]. A copy of the Position Description form is included in this packet for your review. If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to this document feel free to contact me for clarification. Otherwise, please indicate your acceptance of this offer by returning signed copies of both the Position Description form and this letter to my attention. This job offer is contingent upon your completion of the pre-employment process, which includes successfully completing and passing a criminal background check via fingerprinting (CJIS) prior to your start date. Please coordinate with us to schedule your fingerprinting appointment. Please complete the enclosed Livescan Pre-Registration Application. The Livescan form should be taken to the University Police Station along with your identification for your fingerprinting appointment. Parking is available at Ƶ for a fee. The current fee for an annual parking pass is $90.00. Additional information about parking is located at the following link:  HYPERLINK "/administration/administration-and-finance-offices/financial-services/accounts-receivable-cashiers-office/parking-services/" Parking Services. You are encouraged to review the information on our website prior to your first day of employment. All staff and faculty positions are subject to all State of Maryland, University System of Maryland and Ƶ regulations, requirements, policies and procedures. Please return the original signed new hire documents to the Human Resources Office (signed offer letter, signed position description form, employee data sheet, W-4 employee withholding form, State employee withholding form, direct deposit form (must be completed electronically, printed and signed in ink), and sworn statement. Also, be aware that you are required to complete the Employment Eligibility Verification (I-9) paperwork. Please call Human Resources at 410-543-6035 to schedule an appointment to turn in your forms and complete an I-9 form. As communicated before, this is a contractual position, which means that compensation, terms and conditions of employment are governed by a written agreement. Upon the successful completion of the pre-employment process, the contract will be drawn. If you have questions about the employment process, please call Human Resources at 410-543-6035. 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