ࡱ>  Ubjbj mcc3%| | JJJ^^^84d^$Z. d47Y9Y9Y9Y9Y9Y9Y$[^]YJP ^ P P ]YY(((P RRJ7Y(P 7Y((R("KW0#1 GT,#YY0$ZsT0_0!0_XKWKW0_JWXRZ@(4 0RRR]Y]Y %RRR$ZP P P P 0_RRRRRRRRR| :  Personal Services Employment Agreement  CONTINGENT II - NON-EXEMPT WORK WEEK LESS THAN 30 HOURS  Department Account Number  FORMTEXT       Contingent Category II is defined as any contingent employee whose written agreement (contract) is for more than six months, but no more than 12 consecutive months; and is on a fulltime basis or on a part-time basis of 50% or more of fulltime employment; and is not Seasonal or Intermittent in nature. This contract is made by and between Ƶ (the University) and  FORMTEXT       (the  Employee ) whose address is  FORMTEXT       and whose Social Security Number is  FORMTEXT      . Nature of Contract: This contract establishes an at-will contractual, employer-employee relationship between the University and the Employee. As such, the Employee is neither a Maryland State Nonexempt Employee nor an Exempt State Employee, and does not occupy a regular State employee position. All of the rights and privileges available to the Employee are governed solely by the provisions of this contract. Scope of Services: The University hereby engages the Employee to perform the duties and responsibilities of the position of  FORMTEXT       (use USM Pay Program titles) as identified in the Position Information (PI) form. The Employee shall report to and work under the supervision of: Name:  FORMTEXT       Title:  FORMTEXT       Department:  FORMTEXT       3. Term: Unless terminated pursuant to Paragraph 9, below, the term of this contract is from  FORMTEXT       to  FORMTEXT      . There exists no expectancy of continued employment, renewal or re-contract beyond the above-noted term. 4. Compensation: For the services to be performed under the provisions of this contract, the University will pay the employee and hourly rate of $ FORMTEXT       payable biweekly in the amount not to exceed $ FORMTEXT       annually. Workweek: The Employee's workweek will be  FORMTEXT       hours per week. Any hours in excess of 40 hours per week are subject to the overtime provisions for nonexempt employees where applicable. 6. Benefits: Leave Benefits: Employees are eligible for paid Annual, Sick, and Holiday Leave. Paid Jury Duty Leave is also available if called to serve. The accrued annual and sick leave is based on the contract year and a full-time (40 hr.) workweek. Any hire date after the start of the contract year or for a position of less than 40 hours shall have leave amounts pro-rated. An employee who resigns or is terminated will be paid for any unused but earned Holidays or Annual leave. Annual Leave: Annual leave with pay shall be available to the extent it is earned, provided that the dates of such leave have been approved in advance by the employees supervisor. Sick Leave: Sick leave is defined as leave available to the employee when the employee is sick or is needed to care for the employees sick spouse, child, or legal dependent; and it only may be used in accordance with institutional policies that govern use of sick leave for regular employees. Full-time employees are eligible for 15 days of sick leave per fiscal/contract year and earn leave at the rate of 4.62 hours per pay period. The sick leave entitlement will be prorated for less than full-time employment and/or workweek. There is no 6-month waiting period during the initial contract year before any days may be used. Holiday Leave: Employees are entitled to 11 paid holidays (12 in a general or congressional election year). Three additional University holidays are earned each fiscal/contract year and observed at the discretion of the University President or designee. Part-time employees who are employed on at least 50 percent of a full-time basis earn prorated holiday leave. Each holiday is earned on the day it occurs during the contract year. Personal Leave: Employees are eligible for three (3) days of personal leave per fiscal/contract year. Part-time employees who are employed on at least 50 percent of a full-time basis earn prorated personal leave. Any unused personal leave will not be paid out after separation from service and is forfeited at the completion of the contract period. Any unused personal leave at the end of the fiscal/contract year may not be carried over into the next fiscal/contract year. Tuition Remission: Tuition remission is available for employees and their eligible spouses/dependents at the same level as those for regular State PIN employees. Employees may participate, at their home institution only, in the USMs Tuition Remission program. (Winter & Summer is available on a space available basis). Employees working less than 40 hours per week will receive tuition remission on a pro-rated basis. The employee will be covered by Worker's Compensation and Unemployment Insurance. Health Benefits: Medical, dental, prescription and life insurance benefits are available at full premium cost. Premiums are paid on a monthly post-tax basis. Tax Deferred Programs: Contingent II employees may participate in employee-only-contribution Tax Deferred Investment programs that are approved by the State of Maryland and UMS, and as permitted by law and regulations. The Employee will be reimbursed, in accordance with the State of Marylands Standard Travel Regulations, for direct expenses incurred in the performance of duties under this contract. Mandatory Payroll Deductions: Employees shall have the required mandatory deduction, e.g., Maryland and Federal Income Tax withholding, and Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) which includes Social Security and Medicare. Mandatory Employer Paid Subsidies: Employees shall have the required mandatory employer paid subsidies, e.g., Unemployment Insurance; Workers Compensation Insurance; and FICA. Dual/Multiple Employment: The employee shall notify employer of dual/multiple employment. Hereafter, if the dual/multiple employment status changes the employee shall immediately notify the employer. The employee shall check all boxes that apply and complete the corresponding sections of the chart. Place X as applicableDual/Multiple Employment StatusName of Dual/Multiple Department(s), Institution(s) or Agency(ies)Number of hours worked per week associated with dual/multiple employmentNo Dual/Multiple Employment as of todays dateDual employment within the UniversityMultiple employment with another USM Institution (s)Multiple employment with another State Agency (ies) My initials confirm that all information I have provided regarding dual/multiple employment is true and accurate. _______ Rights in Data: The University is the owner of all research, notes, data, computations, estimates or other information developed by the Employee in the course of this employment, and of any memoranda, reports or other work products resulting therefrom. Upon the conclusion or termination of this Agreement, all such material shall be left in the possession of the University. 9. Discharge and Termination: Termination at Will. The Employee serves at the pleasure of the Appointing Authority (the President of the University), who may, in his/her sole discretion and without cause, terminate this Agreement at any time. Termination by Employee. The Employee may terminate this Agreement by giving the University prior notice as is reasonable under the circumstances for the orderly transition of his/her duties and responsibilities, but in no event shall that notice be less than ten working days. Termination By Operation of Law. If funds are not appropriated by the General Assembly or otherwise lawfully available to support this Agreement, this Agreement will terminate immediately upon unavailability of funds to compensate the position. 10. Budgetary Decisions: There may be times when budgetary or other limits require the University to impose furlough days or otherwise to take actions that could adversely affect University employees. In entering into thisAgreement, the Employee acknowledges that s/he may also be subject to such actions. 11. Exclusive Agreement: This Agreement, including the exhibits appended hereto, is the exclusive Z\^  . 0 2 < > @ D F μαtoeoXeIeo@hA|5CJ\jh 5UmHnHujh 5Ujh 5U h 5h 5CJOJQJ\,jhkm5CJOJQJU\mHnHuh 5OJQJ\h#hN5CJ\aJhN5CJ\aJh85CJ\hA|5CJ\h 5CJ\jhkmUmHnHu hkmhA|h jh CJUmHnHuZ\@ B D F H  & F h^gd]{F !^`gd]{F & F h!^`gd]{F !dx$a$gd#F H t % & 0 1 R T h j l v x  )  ֽ޲ֽާֽޟސވykjh1UmHnHujh1Uh1jh1Uh 5>*\ h 5>*h OJQJj`h Ujh Ujh UmHnHujth Ujh Uh h WCJ h CJh 5CJ\hkm5CJ\(FHJ46BDXZ\fhz|JL j$h Ujh Uh'h 5>*\j8h Ujh Ujh UmHnHujLh Ujh Uh?bh#h?b5h#h#5h hA|446NPpv hgd]{F & F h^`gd]{F hh^h`gd]{F ^`gd]{F ^`gd]{F h^gd]{F hhh^h`hgd]{F hh^hgd]{F ^gd]{F z|$&(24Xj '(GHRUwMP6 V ڹڴڰڬڰڝڝڝڈڰڰh &h 5h &h 5>*h h 5\h 5>*\ h &h &huh & h 5jh U h 5>*hA|jh Uh jh UmHnHujh Ujh U2pHwX !M""#$f%&&1& & Fgd$ & F 8^gd# & F 8^gd# & F ^gd# & F h^gd]{F & F h^gd]{F & F 8h>^`>gd]{F "!#!>!?!!!M"]""""&&0&1&p&q&&&C'D'(((R)S)b)******+++,------ / /~yuh(C% hA|5h $h $5h $ h 5>*hnhA| hmhA|h#hA|5CJaJhnh735hnhw5high$h&7 h$5>* h&75>*h$OJQJh+dOJQJh OJQJh'8hjh h 5.1&&&D'\'|''($$If^a$gdH+h^hgd$h^hgdig( ( (9(:(;(D9.99 $Ifgd*h 5>*\h(C%U h 5>*h $h 4statement of the parties with respect to its subject matter and supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations, proposals and awards, written and oral, relating to its subject matter; the parties expressly acknowledge that this Agreement is the product of mutual negotiations thereof; no provision of this Agreement may be changed, modified, or amended except by an Agreement in writing executed by both parties. 12. NCAA Rules and Ethical Conduct: You must adhere to and abide by all institutional, conference, and NCAA rules and regulations. Furthermore, you are expected to comply with the concepts of fair play, good sportsmanship and ethical conduct. Failure to do so can result in disciplinary action including termination. The above contract is NOT in effect until ALL signature lines are completed. __________________________________________________________ Employee Date __________________________________________________________ Budget Admin. (Dept.Head, Dean or VP) Date __________________________________________________________ Human Resources Representative Date __________________________________________________________ Administration & Finance Date     Revised 01/2015 ____New/Re-Hire ____Renewal ____ Essential FOR HR/PAYROLL USE ONLY Empl ID: _______________ PS Record #: ______ Dt Entered: _____________ Entered By: _______ Job Code: ______________ S TTITTTTTTTTTTTTT U UUU*U9U:U;USUUUUdgdE$a$gdEUUUU3...()()()..)() 0P/ =!"#$% 8$Dpn}ff_7vrVP⤆Pvܩe`ٺèԲɮNG忌F@عǫ͸~]upkUO70׷3,bKGDH cmPPJCmp0712HsIDATx^[WIG@" G]LODcؕl IU\=0 dn'3G뚉VFB!:an _^m߼oB-4 m[W#7o$׫?̕*I)uٌ@n{|׫W]]OK_\u<,@Aձdw}T}2P$x?WNn1ͭVJ5O9 )m|Ǐ+պ_ D׽57}4HJ;''?VӁWW֫BkقEwlqr:61a; z(t v{"|q4w Gvq쳮붮:eh*S_vII5;KDV81滈Kynkv^wndH?9i4AۻziGrͳ~sdrN$`hMs(FrKҝ$d{JbKMwS}%Iսj*/,T~=Ȑ[QSdflRGIJk_}+ FLi@.qo]&RH3Q̕r ؓ6Z _Nʛ+NrA=L'9 ^ě;S)8.LL6qU+]&w S&%  h4+9JMt% F_8r5'8tN4$C ,I*F ݯ&?c#ĢIF;e$ @XYHRTUZBr% 㐟Z9gfJګz ~N q)8r+e۷<-wNcVQ*6c.0{)NFM\v;|ƧFIE@9|lΜxdZ\Xv`DTHm03#9!i&6^Τ'vo%jFu;D@&Wm_&ɜA9i$2ii5mƈE6)@!ft'YLX|?4q`DqV*I^!5^5m_Հ!Mi&ԑ*H'զx /5 NC)j2/A ~3"+=t"s  l]\Y=(k8`2;{fD&j$Y_%;(RUlex^DʽDXF]5௑rs4Cu)-fI@ u*{u9$eYcsesق/UPCL}@#%Q}hdH 2A6jyydآ>i\Mɵ;JBM5tN9Z^((giA2ȁlCMR%w Ӛw|=ZS!z6_NڊQ5UK@Ԃ$3`[ӄEͷA^m8fy^KI&~em'VRM v ?ɰYYaps z<.X ~Dd5νcJ@"0aMR 2hbEMͨOɪx$&0,? 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