
Position Request Process

The position request process (PRP) was created to streamline requests to post or reclassify positions. This process generally applies to PIN and C2 position requests. C1 position requests as well as contract renewals will continue to run through our online contracts process in PeopleSoft unless there are changes which require a new classification.

Position requests will be classified and financially accounted for and should support a sound organizational structure. Any request that needs revision or that is denied will be discussed with the manager. Please note that some requests will trigger others and therefore will require a full organizational review. If a departmental restructure is needed, please reach out to the AVP of HR or VPAF directly for assistance.

A single new form has been created to replace the multiple forms and steps previously used by hiring managers and search committees. The new Position Request Form replaces the SUPER Request in PeopleSoft, the Position Description/Position Information Form, the Recruitment Plan, the Certification of Expectations Form, and the PIN Request Process. This form is located below and will be used throughout this process.

Position Request Process for Position Postings

These requests can be for entirely new or reimagined positions or to backfill a position that was formerly in the department/school.

Step 1: Organizational Design & Position Request Development

  1. Manager develops request using PRF.
  2. Request shared with VP for strategic discussion around responsibilities, shared services, funding, need, etc.
  3. If supported by the VP, the Position Request Form should be signed and sent to PositionRequests@salisbury.edu to begin the review process.

Please note: VP support does not negate the review process. The review process is required.

Step 2: Position Request Review

  1. HR, Finance, and the VPAF will review position requests that come into the PositionRequests@salisbury.edu
  2. Notes will be provided after each segment of the review is conducted and the request will be approved or denied.
  3. The approval or denial will be communicated with the employee and manager.
  4. If approved, the request will be processed.

The review procedures are the following: 

HR Review – Classification and Compensation

Goal: Determine a position classification that meets USM guidelines and supports equity across the institution.

Exempt Positions
  1. Identification of USM Job Family and USM Job Code:
  2. Using the position description, determine USM pay grade.
  3. Determine pay range within pay grade using CUPA Market Data and by conducting an equity analysis across campus.

Note: CUPA Market Data is comprised of the following.

  1. USM Institution Salaries
  2. Funding Peer Salaries
  3. East Coast Program Salaries
  4. Ipeds Budget Quartile Information
  5. Enrollment Quartile Information
Non-Exempt Positions
  1. Match 51% or more of the position description to the USM non-exempt job specifications:
  2. The pay range is then determined by the USM salary structure associated with that specification:

Financial Review – Budget

Goal: Determine if there are funds available and if this request provides suitable return on investment.

  1. Review all available institutional and departmental funds.
  2. Measure the financial impact of the request and assess financial compliance.
  3. Prioritize the request based on the financial needs of the institution.
  4. Confirm specific salary amount and calculate associated fringe.

Cabinet Level Review – Strategic Goals

Goal: Determine the appropriateness of dedicated resources.

  1. Decide if there is clear evidence that this request will support operations, increase enrollment, enhance the community or bring in additional funding.
  2. Assess if this request will result in a cost savings or operational efficiency.
  3. Assess the alignment of this request with strategic priorities.
  4. Determine if this organizational design is fair, manageable, and sound.

Step 3: Position Request Processing

  1. Once determined, the Human Resources Office will provide written notification of the decision the manager.
  2. If approved, HR will include a draft job ad for posting.
  3. Upon manager agreement, HR will post the position.
  4. Once the position is posted, HR will send an email to the hiring manager with job posting material and a meeting request to discuss recruitment strategy.


Position Request Process for Job Analysis and Reclassification

The process is used for current positions at SU. In accordance with the , a reclassification request may be based on: 

  1. Significant and substantial changes that evolve in the position’s primary duties that are crucial to the mission and/or organizational effectiveness of the University.
  2. When structured changes occur in the position’s duties and responsibilities that were unforeseen at the time the employee accepted the position and are crucial to the mission and/or organizational effectiveness of the University.

Changes in the volume of work assigned or performance of an individual are not considered justification for a reclassification.  

Reclassification requests will not be considered if a job study has been completed within the past twelve (12) months, unless the job duties have significantly changed.

The University reserves the right to suspend acceptance of a reclassification requests for fiscal reasons, with advanced notice. Employees may challenge the denial of a reclassification request through the grievance process. 

Step 1: Organizational Design & Position Request Development  

  1. Using the PRF the manager or employee should develop an updated job description that demonstrates significant, substantial, or structured changes in responsibilities from the current job description on file.
  2. The PRF should then be sent to the direct supervisor and/or the next level manager for support and approval.
  3. If supported, the request should be shared with the VP for review and approval.

    Please note: The employee or the supervisor may initiate a request for reclassification without VP support under the current MOU. However, if the request is not supported/approved by the supervisor or next level manager, the employee will be notified that the request will not be considered.
  4. With support, the PRF should be signed sent to PositionRequests@salisbury.edu which will begin the review process.

Step 2: Position Request Review

  1. HR, Finance, and the VPAF will review position requests that come into the PositionRequests@salisbury.edu
  2. Notes will be provided after each segment of the review is conducted and the request will be approved or denied.
  3. The approval or denial will be communicated with the employee and manager.
  4. If approved, the request will be processed.

The review procedures are the following: 

  1. The Human Resources Office will acknowledge the receipt of the Position Request Form submitted to PositionRequests@salisbury.edu, by emailing the employee, direct supervisor and next level manager.
  2. If the request does not have support/approval from the direct supervisor, next level manager, or VP the employee will be notified and the process will not continue.

If the request does have support/approval from the direct supervisor, next level manager, or VP the Human Resources Office will begin a job analysis.  

HR Review – Job Analysis  

Goal: Compare the updated job description (PRF) to the former job description and determine a position classification that meets USM guidelines and supports equity across the institution.

Please note: The job analysis may require a desk audit to verify job activity or additional information to determine an appropriate job classification.

Exempt Position Classifications:

The pay range will align with the associated pay grade in our CUPA Market Data.

CUPA Market Data is comprised of the following:

  1. USM Institution Salaries
  2. Funding Peer Salaries
  3. East Coast Program Salaries
  4. Ipeds Budget Quartile Information
  5. Enrollment Quartile Information

Non-Exempt Position Specifications: (position details must match 51% or more)

The pay range is determined by the USM salary structure associated with that specification:

Financial Review – Budget

Goal: Determine if there are funds available and if this request provides suitable return on investment.

  1. Review all available institutional and departmental funds.
  2. Measure the financial impact of the request and assess financial compliance.
  3. Prioritize the request based on the financial needs of the institution.
  4. Confirm specific salary amount and calculate associated fringe.

Cabinet Level Review – Strategic Goals

Goal: Determine the appropriateness of dedicated resources.

  1. Decide if there is clear evidence that this request will support operations, increase enrollment, enhance the community or bring in additional funding.
  2. Assess if this request will result in a cost savings or operational efficiency.
  3. Assess the alignment of this request with strategic priorities.
  4. Determine if this organizational design is fair, manageable, and sound.

Step 3: Position Request Processing

  1. Once determined, the Human Resources Office will provide written notification of the decision the employee, supervisor, and next level manager.
  2. If approved, HR will include the updated job description (or contract) for signature.
  3. Upon signature, HR will make the change in PeopleSoft.

The University shall complete the foregoing process within one hundred and eighty (180) days of receipt. The parties may mutually agree to further extend this time period.