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SU Celebrates Fulton School Faculty Successes

Fulton HallSALISBURY, MD---糖心视频 celebrates the following recent faculty, staff, student and alumnae successes in its Charles R. and Martha N. Fulton School of Liberal Arts:

Agarwal Writes Paper, Accepts Association Positions, Gives Presentation

“Nature, Cycles and Balance in Ethnomedicine: Ayurvedic Protocols in the Treatment of Chronic Pain,” a paper by Dr. Vinita Agarwal, associate professor of communication, was selected for the 70th annual International Communication Association conference “Open Communication,” in Gold Coast, Australia. She also was selected as chair-elect of the Teaching and Learning Council and participated in the National Communication Association’s (NCA’s) annual leadership retreat.

In addition, Agarwal serves as the NCA’s vice chair and is the Feminist and Women’s Studies Division program planner for the organization’s annual convention, scheduled in Indianapolis this November. She also was as a reviewer for a manuscript submitted to the American Journal of College Health and gave the invited talk “Patient-Centered Care: Communication that Counts” at Peninsula Regional Medical Center’s PRINC Care Coordinators workshop.

Barrett Publishes Journal Articles, Signs Contract for Monograph

“Contemporary Art and the Problem of Music: How Contemporary Is Contemporary Music?” an article by Dr. G. Douglas Barrett, assistant professor of communication, was accepted for the international peer-reviewed journal Contemporary Music Review.

His review of Holger Schulze’s The Sonic Persona: An Anthropology of Sound is scheduled to appear in a forthcoming issue of the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. He also served as a peer reviewer for the Journal of Sonic Studies. In addition, Barrett is under contract with the University of Chicago Press to publish a monograph on experimental music and posthumanism.

Bemis Presents on Child Learning

Dr. Rhyannon Bemis, associate professor of psychology, with students Elise Adamopolous, Regan Benton and Abigail Miano-Burkhardt, presented “Remembering Over Time: Children’s Learning Over Short- and Long-Delay Intervals” at the Eastern Psychological Association’s annual conference.

Boudreau Publishes on Environmental Issues

“Climate Change, the Earth Armistice and Comparative State Advantage in Military Spending,” an article by Dr. Thomas Boudreau, professor of conflict analysis and dispute resolution, was published by Stanford University’s Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere. The article argues that members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), including the U.S., will benefit as they  approve reallocating defense funding  to address global climate change.

Boudreau also published the article “Hiding in Plain Sight” in the International Journal of Art and Art History. The piece examines the possible artistic intent behind Diego Velazquez’s 17th-century masterpiece “Las Meninas” using criminal profiling analysis and techniques to analyze the painting’s content.

Carayon Earns National Book Prize

The book Eloquence Embodied: Nonverbal Communication Among French and Indigenous Peoples in the Americas, by Dr. Céline Carayon, associate professor of history, has been awarded the prestigious Gilbert Chinard Prize from the Society for French Historical Studies.

The award recognizes the best book published in the previous year by a North American press (University of North Carolina Press) on the history of French-American relations or the comparative history of France and the Americas. Carayon also presented on the book at Dartmouth College.

Caviglia-Harris, Maier Publish on Undergraduate Success

Drs. Jill Caviglia-Harris, professor of economics and finance and environmental studies, and Karl Maier, professor of psychology, published the paper “It’s Not All in Their Heads: The Differing Role of Cognitive Factors and Non-Cognitive Traits in Undergraduate Success” in the peer-reviewed journal Education Economics.

Cox Publishes

“Deep Participation in Underserved Communities: A Quantitative Analysis of Hearken’s Model for Engagement Journalism,” co-authored by Dr. Jennifer Brannock Cox, associate professor of communication, recently was published in the scholarly journal Journalism Practice. She also served as a reviewer for other submissions to the journal. Her textbook, Feature Writing and Reporting: Journalism in the Digital Age, is due out in August from SAGE College Publishing.

Cumming, Wright Perform in Concert Series

Drs. Danielle Cumming, classical guitarist, and John Wesley Wright, tenor, associate professors of music, performed their program “From Spain to Spirituals” at the historic Harris Theatre in Calhoun, GA, as part of the Roland Hayes Museum Concert Series.

Egan Publishes Book

Pathways into the Political Arena: The Perspectives of Global Women Leaders, a book co-edited by Dr. Chrys Egan, professor of communication and co-director of the Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (OURCA), has been released by Information Age Publishers. The book features 19 chapters about female leaders from six continents, including one authored by Maryland State Senator Mary Beth Carozza. Egan is the 2020 chair of the International Leadership Association’s Women and Leadership organization, with members from more than 70 nations.

Foutz, Guyon, Peek Selected as Presenters

Dr. Brittany Foutz, faculty in SU’s Bosserman Center for Conflict Resolution, and Christa Peek, administrative assistant in the Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution Department, were accepted by United Nations University to develop and lead a restorative justice initiative in Maryland, and to speak at the UN Regional Centre of Expertise Conference scheduled this September. Foutz also spoke at the UN Global Conference on local restorative justice initiatives that she and Peek have worked on.

Foutz also published the article “Short of their Destination: Next Steps for the Migrant Caravan” with UN University Publishing for its Asia Pacific Sustainable Development Goals Challenge 2019 Final Report. Her article highlighted the 2019 migrant caravan from Honduras, where she developed a program with the UN to provide 200 survival kits, food and clothing to migrant communities in Chihuahua, Mexico.

In addition, Foutz and Arnaud Guyon, Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution Department graduate assistant, were selected to present “Power Profile and Conflict Mapping: Ecuador’s 2010 Coup D’état and the Quechua Today” at the Middle Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies’ annual conference. Their article on that topic is scheduled for publication in the International Journal of Conflict Management.

Garmon, Patterson Present on Bereavement Research

Drs. Lance Garmon and Meredith Patterson, associate professors of psychology, with SU alumna Victoria De Hoyos, presented the poster “Does It Matter How They Died? Self-Identified Changes in Risk-Taking Behaviors Resulting from Personal Death Experiences — Implications for Complicated Bereavement” at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies’ annual meeting.

Han Publishes, Earns Research Fellowship

Dr. Eun-Jeong Han, assistant professor of communication, was the first editor of the co-edited volume Korean Diaspora Across the World: Homeland in History, Memory, Imagination, Media and Reality, published by Lexington Books. She also contributed the chapter “Looking at Koreans’ Global Migration Path Through the Lenses of Family History.” In addition, she received a summer research fellowship, including an $8,000 stipend, from the Academy of Korean Studies.

Hoffman Presents at APSA Conference

Dr. Adam Hoffman, chair of the Political Science Department, presented his research paper “The American Government Textbook: Looking Beyond Pluralism” at the American Political Science Association’s (APSA’s) annual teaching and learning conference in Albuquerque. His project focused on assessing the degree to which introductory textbooks present alternative and critical perspectives about U.S. government and politics.

Kolstoe Presents at USDA Meeting

Dr. Sonja Kolstoe, assistant professor of economics and finance and environmental studies, presented the co-authored paper “Willingness to Pay for Biodiversity Protection: Evidence from Waikamoi Preserve” at the U.S. Department of Agriculture Regional Project W-4133 annual meeting in Athens, GA, focusing on the costs and benefits of natural resources on public and private lands.

Kotlowski Publishes

“Partial Presidential Biography on Stage and Screen: Franklin D. Roosevelt in Sunrise at Campobello,” a chapter by Dr. Dean Kotlowski, professor of history, was published in the book A Companion to the Biopic from Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.

He also published “Wendell L. Wilkie and Irita Van Doren: Ellsworth Barnard’s ‘Postscript to Wendell Wilkie: Fighter for Freedom,’” in Indiana Magazine of History. In addition, Kotlowski lectured on “Finding Havens to Save Lives: Four Case Studies from the Jewish Refugee Crisis of the 1930s” at the Sydney Jewish Museum in Australia.

Maier Presents at AAAS Meeting

Dr. Karl Maier, professor of psychology, presented “Envisioning Convergence Research with Principles of LLIFE and Biopsychosocial Ecology” at the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s annual meeting in Seattle.

Molenda Exhibits at 糖心视频 Art Space

“Women’s Work,” an installation by art lecturer Sally Molenda, was featured at the 糖心视频 Art Space. The exhibit combined her crocheted work with images of women working in factories during World Wars I and II, challenging viewers to contemplate ideas surrounding the work of women. She also judged the 糖心视频 Art Space’s “Small Treasures and Book Arts” exhibit.

Okubo Presents at Columbia University and publishes

Dr. Yuki Okubo, assistant professor of psychology was selected as an invited speaker for the plenary session “Responsibility, Burden and Accountability: Reflections on Relational Mentorship in Psychology and Education” at the 37th Annual Winter Roundtable at Teachers College, Columbia University.

With SU students Jordann Morgan, Elise Adamopoulos and Yasmine Bailey, she also presented the session “Mentoring of 21st-Century Undergraduate Psychology Students, also at the Winter Roundtable.

In addition, Okubo published, with co-authors Drs. Harriet Curtis-Boles and Ana Guisela Chupina, the paper “Social Justice Challenges: Students of Color and Critical Incidents in the Graduate Classroom” in the journal Training and Education in Professional Psychology.

Okubo, Schlehofer Earn APA Grant, Present at Columbia University

Drs. Yuki Okubo, assistant professor of psychology, and Michèle Schlehofer, chair of the Psychology Department, received a grant from the American Psychological Association (APA) Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs to develop the intensive Accelerated Mentoring Program for students of color majoring in psychology.

With SU student Ashley Olortegui and alumna Temika Carroll, they also presented the session “Mentoring Undergraduate Students of Color at Predominately White Institutions: Benefits, Potential Pitfalls and Future Directions” at the Columbia University Teachers College Winter Roundtable Conference in New York.

Osman Presents, Publishes

Dr. Suzanne Osman, professor of psychology, presented “Addressing the Overlap: Sexual Victimization and/or Perpetration Experience and Participant Gender Predicting Rape Empathy” at the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality’s annual meeting in Denver.

Osman published “Predicting college women’s body-esteem and self-esteem based on rape experience, recency, and labeling” in the peer-reviewed journal Violence Against Women with SU student co-author Carolyne Paige Merwin.

With SU student Gina Santoriello, Osman also co-authored the article “Sexual Victimization Experience Predicting Empathy with an Unspecified or Date Rape Victim,” published in the student research journal Modern Psychological Studies.

Perret Presents at NeMLA Convention

Dr. Arnaud Perret, assistant professor of modern languages, presented at the 52nd annual Northeast Modern Language Association convention in Boston. His presentation, “Quand la langue du colonisateur se retourne contre lui : Témoigner pour la Révolution Algérienne” (“When the Colonizer’s Language Turns Against Him: Testifying for the Algerian Revolution”), included analysis the role of Fanon’s texts in establishing a juridical framework that gives a voice to the Algerian fight for independence.

Peterson Exhibits with Maryland Federation of Art, Ocean City Art League

Works by Dean Peterson, associate professor of art, have been included in several Maryland Federation of Art exhibitions, including its Fall Members Show, “Art on Paper,” “Small Wonders” and “Light and Shadow.” His work “Between Light” was named Best in Show at the Ocean City Art League’s “Artist’s Choice” exhibit.

Russell Selected for Harp Festival

Kara Dahl Russell, adjunct faculty in the Music, Theatre and Dance Department, has been selected as a featured presenter at the fourth annual Harp Festival, scheduled in September at Christopher Newport University. She plans to perform and talk about creating more interesting performance programs.

Schlehofer Earns SPSSI Grant, Presents at Meeting

Dr. Michèle Schlehofer, chair of the Psychology Department, was awarded a Small Events Advancing SPSSI Grant from the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) to organize the day-long training “Developing Skills in Translating Social Science Research into Advocacy.” The workshop’s goal is to provide hands-on training in the use of social science to inform policymakers and impact the community. Due to the campus’ closure for COVID-19, the workshop will occur in fall 2020.

With SU student Ashley Olortegui and alumna Jessica Harbaugh, Schlehofer also presented “Parents’ Reports of School Experiences of Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Children” at the Eastern Psychological Association’s annual meeting in Boston.

With Dr. Jennifer Jewell (Social Work) and students Alexandria Richards, Jalissa Worthy, and Christen Barbierri, Schlehofer also has a manuscript, Educated and Empowered: The Process of a Cross-Cultural Community Collaboration, in press at Collaborations: A Journal of Community-Based Research and Practice.

Shuster Performs in Argentina, Workshops with Composer

Eric Shuster, music lecturer, performed with the Tambor Fantasma percussion ensemble at the Centro Experimentacion de Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He also recently workshopped with composer Matt Wellins on the commission of new percussion music.

Simmons Teaches FEMA Courses

This semester, Dr. Haven Simmons, associate professor of communication, mentored public information officers and taught media relations through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) at communities in Austin, TX; Reno, NV; and Virginia Beach, VA, as well as the National Fire Academy.

Surak Publishes, Presents

“The Administrative Making of the Recycler,” an article co-authored by Dr. Sarah Surak, associate professor of environmental studies and political science, is scheduled for publication in the journal Policy Studies.

Surak also published the article “Civic Reflection as Conversation Model: Building Skills for Discussing Values” with the American Political Science Association’s (APSA’s) “Raise the Vote” project. In addition, earlier this year she delivered the lecture “The Green New Deal” at Germany’s Hochschule Koblenz University of Applied Sciences.

Van de Wiele Book Review Published

A review of the book Objects Observed: The Poetry of Things in Twentieth Century France and America by John Stout, written by Dr. Aurélie Van de Wiele, associate professor of modern languages, was published in The French Review.

Vicens Co-Founds Scholarly Organization

Dr. Belen Vicens, assistant professor of history, has co-founded the new scholarly organization Premodern Iberianists of the Mid-Atlantic (PIMA). Its goal is to promote the study of medieval and early modern Iberia in the region.

Vicens also was awarded a $500 Barton Junior Scholar Travel Grant from the American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain to assist in studying medieval Spanish history abroad.

Walton Presents, Publishes on Scottish History

Dr. Kristen Walton, professor of history and director of the Nationally Competitive Fellowships Office, presented the paper “Historical Memory in the Scottish Reformation II” at the annual 16th Century Studies Conference in St. Louis. She also published the chapter “The Scottish Reformation: Vision, Implementation, Memory” in the book Sister Reformations III, recently released by Mohr Siebeck Academic Publishing.

Woodis Research Paper Selected

“Introducing a Generation to Its Heritage: Teaching About Germans on Maryland’s Eastern Shore,” a research paper by Dr. Adam Woodis adjunct faculty in the Modern Languages and Intercultural Studies Department, was selected for presentation at the Society for German-American Studies’ 44th annual symposium. His project examined how local resources can be employed to bring students closer to the cultural influence German immigrants have had in Maryland.

For more information call 410-543-6030 or visit the SU website.