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Applications Accepted for SU Holocaust Institute for Teachers

HolocaustSALISBURY, MD---Applications are being accepted for the Maryland Holocaust Educators Network at 糖心视频’s inaugural Holocaust Institute for Teachers, scheduled June 22-27.

Teachers may apply to attend as individuals or as team members and may represent public, private and charter schools throughout the mid-Atlantic. The event is designed for middle school, high school and university educators.

The institute’s theme is “The Holocaust, Human Rights and the Role of Education.” In addition to studying the Holocaust, participants examine local and international events with an emphasis on how to teach about them in the classroom. Topics include school climate and bullying, the Cambridge, MD, riots of 1963 and 1967, genocide in Rwanda and resistance.

Cost for the week-long institute is $100, including all books and materials, workshops and seminars, field trip transportation and evening events, and most breakfasts and lunches. Low-cost campus housing options will be available.

The institute is funded by The Memorial Library and Art Collection of the Second World War, a foundation established by Holocaust Survivor Olga Lengyel. The Memorial Library is home to the national Holocaust Educators Network.

Applications are accepted through Saturday, February 15. To apply or for more information visit /educationspecialties/MDHEN, e-mail Dr. Diana Wagner at dmwagner@salisbury.edu or call 410-677-5490.