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“How to Start & Manage Your Own Business” Course October 25

SALISBURY, MD---Starting a business can be a fun and exciting projects however, there are a lot of steps to starting and managing your own business.  From marketing to financing, every step needs planning. 

“How to Start & Manage Your Own Business” is a one-day course designed to help new or potential business owners understand concepts vital to start-up success by covering six critical business areas in one day.  Experienced professionals give helpful tips and provide necessary information for establishing a business structure, insurance requirements, financing options, tax status and bookkeeping needs, and promotional techniques.  Sponsored by the Ƶ and the Small Business Development Center (SBDC), the next session takes place Wednesday, October 25 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. in the second Floor of the Commons Building at SU.

The fee at SU is $40, including lunch and materials.  Call Jennifer Layton at 410-543-6516 or e-mail jwlayton@salisbury.edu to register by October 23.