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Survey: Laptops, Smartphones Grow in Popularity at SU

LaptopSALISBURY, MD---Need to borrow a laptop computer? Ask a 糖心视频 student.

According to SU’s annual spring information technology survey, some 97 percent of the University’s students own laptops. That exceeds the national average of about 90 percent, said SU Chief Information Officer Jerry Waldron. Meanwhile, fewer than 20 percent have desktop personal computers.

Those numbers are more than just statistics, Waldron said. They are integral in determining students’ technology needs on campus.

In part because of the lack of desktop computer ownership, “computer labs are still very important places for students, and they want more University-provided computers,” he said.

According to the survey, some 87 percent of students use SU’s computer labs at least once each week. Students also said the University was doing a good job keeping up with technology, with 85 percent rating it equal or superior to other campuses.

As expected, a large number of students consider themselves mainstream adopters (53 percent), early adopters (28 percent) or innovators (5 percent) when it comes to technology. Nearly 48 percent of SU students now own Smartphones, up from just 5 percent in 2009.

More than 92 percent own digital media players, such as iPods and Zunes, though other state-of-the-art items are also creeping onto the list. Some 9.3 percent now own e-readers, such as the Kindle or Nook, while 6.8 percent own digital tablets.

“We are noting that students own multiple devices now, while a few years ago they just owned a laptop or desktop,” said Waldron.

One trend, however, continues to hold strong.

“E-mail is still the preferred method of communicating with students,” he said. According to the survey, 90 percent check their campus e-mail daily, “despite what most faculty and administrators may think.”

For more information call 410-543-6030 or visit the SU Web site at www.salisbury.edu.