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Two Honored With 'Outstanding Service to the Faculty' Awards

Stephen Ford Katherine Miller
Stephen Ford Katherine Miller
The outgoing president of the 糖心视频 Faculty Senate, Dr. Kathleen Shannon, has honored two of its members for “Outstanding Service to the Faculty," the first such Senate awards of their kind.  “Two individuals whose extensive service commitments were far heavier than anticipated when they volunteered stood out.  They rose to the challenge and really did perform ‘Outstanding Service to the Faculty,’” she said. 

Stephen Ford, coordinator of the Curriculum Resource Center, was saluted for his work as Faculty Senate webmaster at a time when the University was changing to a new Content Management System Cascade Server.  He not only had to learn the new system, to post meeting minutes and other documents, he had to go as far back as the 1990s and bring the archives for the Faculty Senate site into the CMS.

Dr. Katherine Miller, an associate professor of chemistry, was lauded for service as chair of the University Curriculum Committee (UCC). During her tenure, the Seidel School of Education and Professional Studies had initiated a major restructuring of its education curriculum which also needed to meet national accreditation requirements.  The complexity of the proposed changes required a significant commitment by the UCC to effectively review, which Miller led. She also was instrumental in bringing to the senate a need to establish a fair and impartial mechanism for approving new areas to contribute to general education.

“Each of them has contributed noteworthy service to the University,” said Shannon.